Monday 13 May 2013

Our Models Work!

Our Models Work. Those simple three words say so little yet say so much.
You hire us to be the best we can be and we work for you because we’re the best you can get. We don’t say that arrogantly. There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance and, if you know your business well enough, you know where that line is and you never cross it.
When you hire Femme Fatale you want the confidence in knowing that yours is money well-spent. In the most basic terms you need to know that our models work. They don’t stand around, they get involved and they engage people. They work – for you.
But they also work on another level and that’s in the ability to make your function that much better simply because they’re there. Our clients rave about how Femme Fatale models enhance their product and how experiential marketing really works. It’s much more than just a smile and a pretty face. We know that. You will too.
We work.
It works.
Our. Models. Work.
We know it and, if you don’t already know this, you soon will.
Contact us today to find out more
Femme Fatale Media & Promotions
Promotional Models, Event Staffing & Model Management - Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver and more.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Getting The Most From Promotional Models

When booking a Promotional Modelling Agency it is essential you find the right fit. Throughout my experience in the industry I have realized the success in any business can be founded by energetic and smart promotions. The primary objective of our company is utilizing beautiful and outgoing models to promote an increase in audience, with a clear focus on increasing revenues or attendances wherever possible. To maximize your event success here is a few tips before you hire:
1. Look for more than just looks. Although a pretty face will get attention, it’s the brains behind the beauty that’s important. Choose models not only on their looks but get an idea of their personality and sales capabilities.
2. Look for an online presence. Social media integration is paramount these days. Look for an agency that can benefit your brand or event integrating social media with event marketing tactics. Having an online presence and associating it with an already known brand amplifies your reach and builds an approachable brand image. You get the increase and extent engagement, having double the impact from your event and people are getting news about your brand before, during and after your event.
3. Look at their roster size. People get sick and things happen. In the event of a cancellation you want an agency that will make sure your event staff are not only covered, but with the same calibre you had originally booked.
4. Look at experience. It’s easy to do a little background research there days. Spend 10 minutes searching google to find out who exactly you’re dealing with. How long have they been in business? Who are their past clients? You will be easily able to weed out who is the real deal, and not just smoke and mirrors.
Good luck!
Emily Lyons, CEO Femme Fatale Media,
Promotional Event Staffing & Model Management

Phone: 647.456.2644
“2012 TNC Award Best Promotional Models in Toronto, Ontario”

“2012 Top Choice Award for Top Event Staffing in Toronto, Ontario”
“2011 TNC Award Best Promotional Models in Toronto, Ontario”
“2010 TNC Award Best Promotional Models in Toronto, Ontario”